Not the best context for taking a few selfies

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bellal khan
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Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2024 5:25 am

Not the best context for taking a few selfies

Post by bellal khan »

Once it expires, what we will find before us will be a reflection of our commitment to fighting climate change.

In the worst case, global average surface temperature will increase by 3-4°C by 2100 with catastrophic (and permanent) impacts on the biosphere.

Floods, droughts, mass extinctions, permanently uninhabitable regions, billions of refugees and hundreds of millions of deaths.

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In the best-case scenario, global average surface temperatures could hover just below 1.5°C around 2040 and stabilize for the rest of the century.

In this way we would avoid the worst climate impacts and preserve a habitable planet for future generations .

But how can we push towards this much more positive outcome?

The first to ask this question and find a practical solution cambodia telegram data were thinkers of the last century.

Architect Walter Stahel , physicist Amory Lovins , designers McDonough and Braungart , economist Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen .

Many names, one goal: to find a better alternative to the economic growth model that has characterized the last 150 years of history: the linear economy .

The problem of the linear economy? The constant need for new raw materials, mass production and consumption, and, of course, the accumulation or destruction of waste from the entire process.
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