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Latin America and its presence on LinkedIn

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 4:22 am
by Rajudh74
He adds: “What content is best to create? It is very subjective and relative to the user. We have users who only use videos and have an impressive number of views. Here the 'engagement level' is measured: these levels have a greater weight on views of video content due to the way LinkedIn measures views on videos.

On the other hand, there are growth hackers who use carousels a lot. They are generally used in posts that have an engagement boost to generate more visibility. They also use the CTA. This depends on the person.

“The 'golden hour' is the golden hour of content creation, it is when you receive many likes and many comments in the first two hours. Then the algorithm says: Luis is having a lot of interaction not only with his first level contacts, but also with second and third level contacts, so the algorithm shows you new people.

The first two hours are important for any kind of post. The time phone number lookup indonesia when most people post is between 13 and 15 hours UTC,” Juan confirms.

Juan Pablo adds: “Linkedin is the network to make yourself present. Instagram is very consumer-oriented. We are having a tendency to have corporate influencers. Using employees or promoting the creation of an employee’s personal brand will speak highly of the company.”

And he continues: “In Latin America, LinkedIn is still lacking as a B2B platform and those who start doing so today will see the fruits of their efforts in two years, and the more present you are today, the better you will be in the future. If you start building a small network pool today, the better. In the long term, the trend will increase.”


Luis agrees: “In the digital world, the one who hits first wins and gets the leads .”

The communicative power of LinkedIn
Juan’s central argument is that “Web 2.0 is where all these platforms are created or founded, that is, they are created for interactions between individuals. A company that only creates content is no longer possible because there is no communication. And one-way communication is not possible either because networks predominate. The connection between individuals is what makes organic content so valuable.”

Our CEO shares: “Linkedin is for everyone, you don’t have to be a guru. I am super ordinary and even boring, however I discovered that LinkedIn is a powerful tool and today I am contacted by people who have very interesting conversations. People talk to you already knowing what you do.”

SHIELD Intelligence