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Rethinking the funnel: the flywheel

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:31 am
by pappu636
Another way to deal with funnel stagnation issues is to rethink it through the flywheel model , introduced by HubSpot in 2018.

The flywheel is a model to explain the momentum you get when you align your entire organization to deliver a superlative customer experience. The focus is on driving loyalty and ten-star experiences, so that the customer becomes a brand advocate and the cycle starts again through recommendations.

The traditional model views the buyer’s journey as a big funnel that draws as many prospects as possible to the top and filters them down to the bottom in the hopes that at least some of them will become customers. But what if, instead, each and every prospect was part of a giant wheel that spins and builds momentum? A cycle that accelerates your business’s growth and helps you reach your goals smarter and faster.

The flywheel represents a unified process between sales and marketing that provides a more organized experience for customers, and because it is focused on people, it provides value from the first minute through personalized content and lead nurturing. In this way, it not only guarantees good service, but also greater loyalty.

Inbound marketing , by its nature, is the ideal methodology to work with colombia phone number the flywheel model. When you use inbound as a foundation, the three phases of the flywheel are attract, engage, and delight. By applying your efforts to these three phases, you can provide a better experience for your leads and customers.

If you are interested in better understanding what it is and how it can help your company unblock the funnel, you can download our introductory guide below.