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Mistakes that affect your personal brand

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:38 am
by pappu6329
Trying to please everyone, not having a defined plan or not interacting with other people in the sector. All of these have in common that they are some of the mistakes that affect your personal brand . Have you made any of them? Do you want to know them all? At Posicionamiento Web Salamanca we tell you what the most common mistakes are.

Why should I manage my personal brand?
Learning to manage your personal brand at a time when everyone wants to stand out is becoming increasingly important. Standing out from the crowd is complicated, and if you have already worked on your personal branding, you can attest to this.

But, although the importance of working on personal branding seems obvious, not everyone knows how to do it. In fact, many people still don't know what this term is about. Personal branding refers to considering oneself as a brand.

We all have a personal brand. The easiest way to demonstrate this is to do a Google search for your name. The results will show your social profiles, articles you've written, whether you have a blog, etc. All of this is part of your branding. What differentiates one from another is whether they manage it or not. And, of course, whether they know how to do it.

Paying attention to your personal brand and learning how to manage it is colombia telegram data first step to having a good image on the Internet . It will also open many doors for you on a professional level. It will give you the opportunity to make new contacts and network with people in your sector. At the same time, your reputation within your niche grows and strengthens.

You will stand out from the crowd, position yourself better and gain respect. This is an important aspect for any job candidate, whether freelance or not. Companies are increasingly paying attention to the personal brand of those they are going to hire.

Generating more conversions and sales will also be easier because you have the recognition of the community. You will get better opportunities because you know how to communicate and assert your position within the market.

Mistakes that affect your personal brand
The process of managing personal branding is a task that requires work and perseverance. It goes beyond having profiles on social networks , writing on a blog from time to time or sending the price list of your services to potential clients. It requires perseverance, dedication and coherence in what you do.

Post: How to create a brand community?
If you do it right, you will have many advantages and opportunities. But if you make any of these mistakes, the negative effect could be devastating and it is difficult - although not impossible - to recover.

1. Thinking you don't have a personal brand
Not knowing that your personal brand exists is as serious or worse than not knowing how to manage it. As we mentioned before, we all have it whether we are aware of it or not. Given this fact, it is best to start working on personal branding as soon as possible.

Let's say you're looking for a job and you start sending out CVs to companies. For the HR department, your CV is just one of hundreds they receive, and most of them have the same format. Nowadays, companies look beyond experience and will not hesitate to search your social media and research you on the Internet if you catch their attention. What information do you want them to find?

So before a potential employer, client or partner sees that potentially damaging post, you need to manage your brand. On social media, for example, you need to keep your private profile separate from your professional one.

2. Starting without having a strategy
The best personal brands have been developed by first planning a work strategy. In marketing, everything must be done with a plan in hand. Otherwise, you won't know what to do or how to do it. And the actions you're applying won't be the right ones.

The strategy will allow you to have clear, measurable objectives, as well as to plan the tactics to achieve them. It will give coherence to your actions and to all your profiles. It will facilitate the optimization of all the channels you use, helping you to gain credibility, web positioning and give visibility to your brand.