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Know the types of websites

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:23 am
by pappu6329
If you are thinking about starting to be part of the digital world, it is very important that you know the types of websites that exist . This will allow you to choose the one that is most profitable and at the same time perfectly related to your brand or business. From Web Positioning Salamanca we will give you all the information you need on this topic.

Differences between website and web page
It is very common for people to confuse the terms page and website or to use them as synonyms. But in the computer and digital world it is important to have these concepts clear.

To begin to understand the characteristics that differentiate both elements, you must know what a website is . It can be defined as a collection or set of web pages that are related and belong to a domain. While web pages are only one part of a website or web portal.
The way you access a website is a feature that differentiates them. Web pages usually depend on a single, exclusive URL address, but websites do not. This happens because the pages that make up the website share the same domain and are only differentiated by their ending. In other words, you can access a website through various pages.
On the other hand, navigation on a web page is mainly done by scroll bars, but if you want to move between pages you must do so exclusively by internal links.
Know the types of websites
Websites can be used for a variety of purposes. That is why we will show you china telegram lead of the different types of websites and their classifications below:

According to its structure
Static Web
This type of website is developed using HTML and is characterized by displaying content that does not change. In other words, users cannot interact with the website in any way, they can simply read the information it provides.

A static site is an excellent alternative for companies that do not require frequent information updates. It is a simple and economical resource that will help you be present in the digital world.

Dynamic Web
Dynamic websites, unlike static ones, allow for the updating and modification of all types of information.

Its development is much more complex, but if you need to make constant changes to your site, this is the best option. You can design the portal to your liking, although to be able to manage it correctly you must have specific knowledge.

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Another important aspect of this type of site is that they require a much larger investment than static sites due to their multiple development options.

According to the language used
To create a faster website you can use different programming languages ​​or even some special software.

PHP Language
PHP is primarily used for developing dynamic websites, although it is also very useful for creating static websites. Its scripts are analyzed and interpreted by the server to subsequently create HTTP codes.

PHP is one of the basic languages ​​used by content management programs such as WordPress. It is quite simple and can be used by people who do not have extensive development knowledge.

Python Language
Web developers consider it one of the cleanest programming languages ​​out there. It generates interpreted but not compiled code.

This type of language is open source, has many programming functions and is also multi-platform.

Java Language
It is a language that can be used on both the client and server side.

One of its main functions in web development is the implementation of interactive features in it such as the reaction or events that occur when a button is pressed, a form is filled out, and more.