As a side note, make sure you say this aloud a few

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As a side note, make sure you say this aloud a few

Post by sumonasumonakha.t »

Times to ensure it rolls off the tongue and is fairly easy for most people to understand what topic your page is about. 5. Utilize Abbreviations Sometimes, finding the right blog name means getting a little creative with shortening specific terms or using abbreviations. While coming up with the right name is simple, finding a domain that matches can sometimes make the process a little more complicated.

In this case, common variations that your audience would understand are a better idea. As an example, think about a blog called Staycations in St. Louis. If this wasn’t available, you could shorten the domain to something like uganda telegram number list . As you can tell, the meaning is still the same and generally corresponds with a widely recognized abbreviation for the metropolitan area. 6.

Avoid Negative or Controversial Terms When your audience comes to your blog, they’re generally looking for knowledgeable and informative posts about your chosen topic. Likewise, depending on your niche, they might also want to read your posts as a form of entertainment. Thus, it is important to skip any negative or controversial terms if you can when naming your blog. Again, the only time this would be appropriate is if that’s the angle you’re taking with your overall message.
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