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4. Have One-on-One Conversations With Your Target Market. validate-business-idea-target-market-conversations Once you’ve

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 4:27 am
by zihadhosenjm90
4. Have One-on-One Conversations With Your Target Market.
Once you’ve started to build your small community of early feedback subscribers, you need to keep the conversation going with them. And you can continue building the size of your feedback group throughout this process.

At this stage however, your goal now shifts to focusing more on determining afghanistan phone number database right mix of highlights, features and value propositions that’ll be most appealing to your target audience.

It’s time to narrow in on what exactly your business is going to be and you’ll solidify this even more in the next stage: Developing a competitive advantage.

Again, since we don’t want to build a solution to a problem that doesn’t really exist, this requires as many one-on-one conversations as possible. Yes, it takes time, but it’ll save you countless hours later by getting your solution right on the first shot.

During my challenge to validate a business idea, a few conversations with my early feedback members naturally transitioned into brainstorming sessions in which my audience started telling me what they wanted.

Check out this text about my hiking site idea, from my friend Michael that lives in Los Angeles, a traditionally very tourist-heavy city.