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Define target audience and buyer personas

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 3:25 am
by bellal khan
Next, it is essential to select the appropriate KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to measure its effectiveness: conversion rate, website traffic or the number of leads generated. These are the foundations to be able to start creating and planning a Content Marketing that works.

You need to know your target in depth. Here, in addition to profiling your buyer personas, it is useful to rely on surveys and statistics.

This part is essential to create detailed buyer personas , which represent your ideal customers . It will allow you to better understand their needs, interests and behaviors and create content capable of engaging them.

Define the value proposition and buyer's journey of your personas
Clarify what makes your product or service unique and how it meets belgium telegram data the needs of your personas. Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition), in essence.

Additionally, map your personas’ purchasing journey, identifying the different stages in which they will interact with your content (awareness, consideration, decision, loyalty).

The buyer's journey is essential to use the right levers at a communication level, with the right words and the right "images" that stimulate your personas.

In the awareness phase , the user does not understand well if he has a problem, is not tied to a brand and is getting information superficially. Here you have to position yourself as an expert, talking about the sector in general with useful and easily usable content. You have to educate the user about the sector, because he is in a situation in which he understands he has a problem or is evaluating an opportunity.
In the consideration phase , however, the customer is aware of the problem or what he wants and evaluates the various proposals. Your content must focus on the advantages and value he will have by choosing you. This is where how-to style guides are most suitable.