20 Tricks to Improve Your Video Marketing and SEO on YouTube

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20 Tricks to Improve Your Video Marketing and SEO on YouTube

Post by pappu6327 »

We have compiled 20 tips to improve the positioning of your videos on YouTube and search engines. In it we review all the functions that you can configure on this social network and the details to take into account to increase visits and reproductions.

Hello! How are you? Today I want to share with you 20 very important tips that will help you improve the positioning of your videos on YouTube so that they appear more easily in search results, both on Google and on YouTube itself.

You probably already know some of these points, you will have read them in blogs about SEO and Positioning . YouTube as a search engine shares many similarities with its older brother. However, we must optimize our publications to make it easier for them, since neither YouTube nor any search engine is able to interpret or index the content of the video , so it is highly recommended to "give them a hand" by means of a few simple steps.

Use awesome titles.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Indeed, we always talk about this point in our Community Manager course , and here it is almost the most important thing. If we want to interest the reader and make them unable to resist taking a look at our content, we have the obligation to catch them with a good title . However, be careful not to disappoint your audience, a good title and bad content will make us look bad in no time, and we can also raise suspicions and lose credibility. You need great content algeria telegram phone numbers a headline to match. Use tools like Google Adwords to make sure your keywords receive a good number of searches, and choose the one with the least competition. Remember that you have 66 characters, so try not to go over them so that your title doesn't appear cut off in the search results. It is also advisable to use the suggested searches offered by YouTube as we write our text, it gives us very clear clues about what is most searched for.

Correctly name the file for YouTube.
This may also sound familiar to you, as we always recommend renaming the images you upload to your website or blog with the keywords that will rank your article. You should proceed in the same way with your video files . Always avoid generic names, such as those generated by the cameras or editing programs themselves ("MVI_007.mov", "export01.mp4" and so on). Take advantage of this opportunity to include the same terms that you will use in the tags or in the title of the video .

Includes the word “video.”
Obviously, right? Keep this in mind and include it in both the title and the description . This way, our post will have more relevance in generic search engines, such as Google, since most users include the word “video” in their searches, so we will have a higher match in the results. It is not as relevant for searches carried out within YouTube itself since nobody searches for “video about…” because it is implicit, here we will position through other elements.

Call to action in the title.
Aside from music videos and cute pets, a lot of YouTube content is geared toward something practical : “How to fix…”, “How to cook…”, “Tutorial on…”. Whenever it makes sense, include the action your video is about in both the title and description. Aside from being more engaging and practical for the user, search engines will better understand what you are offering.

The description.
This is the most versatile, practical and (generally) worst used field of all those offered by YouTube. Don't limit yourself to including a link to your website or your social networks. The interesting thing here is that although search engines are not able to interpret the video content, they do index the description and recognize the keywords, so it is a very good idea to transcribe the script, the interview and all the content you can.

Search on Youtube

It's quite a laborious job, if the video is very long you can limit yourself to highlighting the paragraphs that best define the piece. Both search engines and YouTube show only the first 100 or 150 characters of the description , so make sure that the first 2 or 3 sentences are the most relevant and try to include the links you need in them, so that they are easily visible.
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