4 Examples of Social Media Plans on Twitter from 4 companies

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4 Examples of Social Media Plans on Twitter from 4 companies

Post by pappu6327 »

Do you have to manage a company's Twitter account and don't know how to do it? You might find inspiration in this article. We have taken four real businesses from different fields and asked four bloggers and former Aula CM students to create a Social Media Plan on Twitter for each of the companies.

The aim of this collaborative post is to give these businesses concrete ideas to improve their communication strategy on Twitter and help them. These are tips that can also be applied to other brands, so we hope they are useful for you.

Twitter Plan Art Gallery1. Twitter plan for an online art gallery

Alfonso Cabello

Alfonso Cabello
Communicator and cultural manager, with experience in the cultural industry, music, dance and passionate about Social Media. Always eager to learn to share: alfonsocabello.wordpress.com .

In this case, it is an online art gallery whose business model is based on algeria telegram lead sale of works from the gallery's catalogue. The name of the gallery is B&G BYGART, with operations based in Picasso's hometown, Malaga.

The fundamental mission of this company within the cultural sector is:

To promote and internationally disseminate the works of its network of collaborating artists. They use a virtual platform via the Internet, which allows for greater dissemination, reach and immediacy in all their operations.
And of course, selling through their virtual platform is the main source of income for both the gallery and the artists. This is why it is very important that all social media strategies, and Twitter in particular, consider driving traffic to the website as their main objective in order to boost conversions (or in other words: getting visitors to take a specific, previously defined action, i.e., sales).

6 concrete ideas for Twitter
Target Audience
We understand that the gallery's target audience is the first thing they should focus on when disseminating content within a context. This audience could be described as art lovers with a high cultural level and average purchasing power (since their platform makes art accessible to less fortunate pockets) between 28 and 60 years old. We remind you that the content per post on Twitter is 140 characters, which is less complicated than other networks, but it does require continuous non-stop communication with highly relevant and specific content.

Twitter gallery art BYGART

Content scheduling
Taking a look at the Twitter account, you can clearly see the information regarding the company, as well as its mission. The main page of the website also contains social media icons to create an ideal circuit to encourage the growth of a community. However, the B&G brand does not publish tweets frequently, so it does not have a great capacity to influence its sector and we assume that it will reach a very small number of potential clients to bring to the website. It would be highly advisable to create a content calendar that would keep the network always alive, creating conversation around the brand that would translate into a positive ROI ( return on investment ), that is, sales that also come through the Twitter channel.

Another action that could improve the relationship between the company, the online community and also the links with the offline community (exhibitions, fairs, events, etc.), would be the creation of a hashtag that creates a “twitter” identity and through which enriching and loyal conversations can be reached, through a relationship of trust with the brand. The objective should be to position the brand’s own hashtags as trending topics in the sector, especially taking advantage of very important events such as ARCO.
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