Customer Community
A customer community is a virtual space that fosters interaction between consumers with a common interest in a brand, product or service. But why is it important for a company to create a customer community?
Community, as a concept analyzed from a socio-anthropological perspective, represents a basic social unit. It is the most primary way of grouping people who have common characteristics and interests. In the Pyramid of Human Needs, Abraham Maslow places social needs at the third level and refers to the feeling of belonging — feeling part of society, relating to other people, forming a group.
Living in a community is human nature and some brands have understood and taken advantage of this. If you are interested in learning more about what a customer community is and learning how to create one, keep reading! In this post we will tell you:
What is a customer community?
What is a customer community for?
5 benefits of building a customer community;
How to create a customer community step by step.
What is a customer community?
A customer community is the indonesia number list meeting point of consumers and experts on a brand, product or service . In this virtual space, different types of interaction take place, such as:
forms of use;
good practices;
doubts about operation;
innovation ideas through improvements or development of new products, among others.
A Deloitte study highlights the amplification of consumer participation. It explains that it is about unleashing the power of the consumer as a brand advocate, so that consumers become the “media” of the brand.
This research presents different levels of customer participation: