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Behavioral customer segmentation

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:12 am
by robiulhasan

Behavioral segmentation groups customers based on what actions they take. Customer actions reveal more about customers' intent and preferences than any other type of segmentation technique, making behavioral segmentation the most predictive and effective.

Examples of behavioral segmentation includes

Onsite engagement metrics: Includes customer behaviors such as cell phone directory india first time visiting a site, adding an item to their cart, or viewing product categories or PDP pages.
Purchase history: Includes lifetime purchases as well as more nuanced metrics such as most recent purchased products.
Failed actions: This includes any actions that you expect a customer to take but they do not. This can include not opening an email to not engaging with a specific offer.
Customer segment analysis examples
1. Use customer life events to trigger retention campaigns (ft. Target)

Often, products are designed around specific life events. One clear example is maternity and baby-related products.

Target offers an excellent example of using behavioral data to place customers in specific life stages. Using past purchase data, they are able to predict the ongoing needs of their customers.