nd on providing more value, t

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nd on providing more value, t

Post by robiulhasan »

hereby making the more expensive item preferable to the less expensive item.

Typically, upselling uses comparison and persuasion to allow customers to purchase a more premium, valuable version of the product.

From a business perspective, upselling requires understanding what customers value. Once valuable product attributes are identified, products must be created that excel in those attributes.

Finally, these products are often offered at a premium to capture part cell phone database of the increased value offered.

Above is a great illustration of how value created is split between the buyer and the seller. By creating more value, firms have an option to maximize for profits, customer value, or an in-between approach. Image credit.

What is cross-selling?
Cross-selling is a technique aimed at increasing the number of items a customer purchases via complimentary goods.

Sometimes cross-sales are combined into a single bundle, with the business providing a discount for purchasing all the items.

eCommerce stores most commonly use cross-selling on PDP pages via personalized product recommend
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