Now we are at the stage of setting up the ads. There are also more features and settings here, but here is what is important.
Traffic: Select where you want to send traffic. I chose traffic for my goal, but this window may look different for different goals.
Dynamic Creative: Facebook's Dynamic Ads work similarly to responsive search ads, where you provide assets (images, videos, headlines , descriptions, etc.) and Facebook will mix and match them in different combinations. For simplicity, I won't enable this setting.
Optimization and Delivery: This is where you women database tell the algorithm what you think is successful for your ad set so Facebook can refine who to show your ads to.
facebook optimization delivery
The options here may vary depending on the goal of your campaign, but here's a quick guide to choosing:
facebook ads optimization for ad deliveryBudget and schedule
Here you choose a daily or lifetime budget. You can learn about daily and lifetime budgets here, but in general Choose daily budgets when:
Your campaign will be evergreen
You want to maximize strong performance
You expect to change your budget regularly.
Choose lifetime budgets when:
You need to run ads on a schedule.
Your campaign has a set budget and end date.
If you're choosing a daily budget , it's best to start with something like $5-$10 per day. If you set your budget too low, your ad may not be able to compete, meaning it will show less and not collect enough data for Facebook to further optimize for the best results. More on that in this list of Facebook ad mistakes. You also have the option to set up ad scheduling here, which is pretty simple in Facebook. You can tell Facebook to only run ads when it makes sense for your business (like only during business hours) or audience (like only running ads for your breakfast cafe in the morning).