After Carnival, Consumer Day and a series of major events, Mother's Day 2023 promises to shake up e-commerce even more in the first half of the year. After all, this is a celebratory date that has always brought a lot of return due to the affective and emotional aspect.
In a survey conducted by Fecomércio AM , 92% of respondents revealed that they intend to give gifts to mothers on this date and 8% intend not to give gifts. For this reason, it is essential for you to think about strategies and updates to profit even more and take advantage of the boom that the month of May should have.
Since Mother's Day 2023 always falls on the second Sunday of the month, this year it will be on the 14th. So, there is still time for those who haven't structured themselves to run after and develop a sales plan!
See 5 tips to make more profit on Mother's Day 2023
Thinking about helping you, we at Afilio have separated some valuable and important tips that can make you sell even more this Mother's Day 2023. Write them down and put them into practice so that the success of your business is guaranteed!
#1 Personalize your e-commerce
Your customers need to know that you have promotions, special products, offers ecuador phone number data and campaigns specific to this day. To do this, personalize your e-commerce. Invest in an environment – whether virtual or in person – that is decorated to catch the attention of passers-by.
Changing the appearance and customizing a banner, adding an opening video to your website… all of this can influence your customer's purchase. It also helps to generate value and identification.
#2 Create actions and bring news
It is important to have offers geared towards Mother's Day 2023. And this is one of the main mistakes made by those who work with e-commerce and intend to sell more on celebratory dates.
Don't try to take what you already sell on a daily basis and also sell it on a special date. You need to offer your customers a different proposition.
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Look for something different. Try to avoid the competition and try to bring new things – whether in terms of prices or products. It's also worth investing in new models to promote your Mother's Day actions, such as live e-commerce or viral content for TikTok.
And remember: No one wants to give the same gift every year.
mother playing with son
Mother's Day is an emotional day and usually increases the average sales ticket
#3 Reinforce your stock
On special dates like Mother's Day 2023, it is very common for demand to increase. After all, there will be many people looking for gifts and you will have to set aside ready-to-deliver items for products that you only make to order.
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That's why it's so important to stock up and have everything ready for this period and date. Also, if you have a team, ask them to be available to help.
#4 Organize deliveries and shipping
As we have already mentioned here, e-commerce is becoming increasingly popular and Brazilians are becoming more accustomed to making their purchases online. Therefore, an e-commerce that delivers and has attractive shipping rates makes all the difference for any customer.